Depending on your specific needs, we are able to use the various characteristics of this technology to deliver a tailor-made solution.

Our technological solutions have been used in some projects in the forestry area, of which we highlight
ForestSIM for 2BForest sponsored by The Navigator Company:
The main objective of this project is to ensure an effective management of forest certification groups (CoC and FM) in compliance with FSC and PEFC standards. RAIZ - Forest and Paper Research Institute:
The main objective of this project is to share knowledge to achieve a more sustainable and productive forest. Atlantis Forestry Organization (& partners):
The main objective of this project is to promote good forest installation practices.

E-Globulus Project receives Honorable Mention
at International Conference
About e-globulus:
​E-globulus goal is the transfer of scientific knowledge in eucalyptus forestry practices from RAIZ, Forest and Paper Research Institute, to a wide range of companies, associations and forest owners / managers.
Knowledge is disseminated through the platform which among many other features generates in a free and friendly manner specific recommendations for each forest property in order to promote sustainable management of eucalyptus stands.
Through the introduction of property data, based mostly on its location, the user has access to a recommendation adjusted to his specific case, taking into account the diversity of edaphoclimatic conditions that characterize Mainland Portugal.
Our technological solution to the challenge launched by
RAIZ - Forest and Paper Research Institute.
Come and see how you can apply our technology to the needs of your forest
Geographic Information
It allows the online edition of terrains, their visualization and printing on previously configured charts and maps in order to facilitate the use of standardized information models. It ensures enormous versatility and at the same time integration of the geographical information with the information that is treated in the remaining processes of forestry exploration.
Task and Alarms
Ability to generate a set of tasks for users associated with your account. Monitoring of these tasks as well as issuing reminders when your deadline is close to the end or when a certain stage is reached. Alarms can work simply on screens or reports, but also on mails or SMS messages.
Fully updated reports can be extracted into standard formats (eg in Excel) or can be presented in graphs. The report history can be managed in each related process: easy, safe and very convenient.
Procedural Information
Organize all information related to the forestry process in a single environment: you can put together forms, documents, photographs, maps, charts, official documents, commercial documents, etc. in the same solution.
Business Rules and Logic
In addition to collecting all the relevant information, you can create a set of validation rules and logic that depend on the type of forestry exploitation. This allows human error to be reduced and all stakeholders to have the up-to-date information they need.
Crossing Shapes, Geopackages and Layers
Having information in layers, we implement your solution so that each layer updates the information for each terrain. This avoids having to manually fill in many forms and guarantees updated information by mere crossing those layers with the terrain geometry.